August 18, 2008

Beautiful Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Doctors say that that number one reason why pregnant women should gain weight is to support the nutritional needs of the growing fetus inside her. Since food intake is the number one source of all nutrition in the body, pregnant women should keep on eating especially during the first few months of pregnancy to provide al the nutrients needed by the baby.

Aside from supplying all the nutritional needs of the fetus, weight gain also indicates that the mother is healthy enough to carry on with the pregnancy.

Women who have babies in their wombs cannot be blamed for worrying too much over pregnancy weight gain because the society largely contributes to this thinking. In fact, with all the commercialization and hype on weight loss, women even if those who are pregnant are tempted to cut down on their weight so the people in the society won't ridicule them.

Today, some studies show that more and more pregnant women are trying to regulate their food intake. They do this because they don't want to be fat without thinking that it could severely affect the condition of the baby inside the womb.

Experts say that pregnant women regardless of their condition should always stay healthy throughout the duration of pregnancy. Being healthy does not only entails having a positive outlook in life but also good eating habits to supply the nutrients needed both by the mother and the baby. Experts agree that the weight of the woman before the pregnancy does not matter once the first trimester rushes in. It means that no matte how light or heavy you are, you still need to gain weight when you are pregnant.

Medical findings prove that women who are overweight during pregnancy still need to gain weight with at least 20 pounds. Women who are underweight are advised to gain more, ranging from 20-40. These figures are ideal for women who are having single babies.

For those who are expecting two or more, they need to gain much more weight in order to provide the needs of the growing babies.

Pregnancy weight gain is very important for this special period in time because it will benefit the baby a lot. Aside from providing him or her nutrients needed through the foods that you eat, it also ensures their overall health once they come out in this world. Studies show that pregnant women who did not gain weight during conceiving are mothers to small and sickly babies.

For pregnant women to gain weight the healthy way, they should stick to the recommended number of calorie-intake which is 400 to 500 daily.

They should also be mindful about what they eat and how often they eat. During the early stages of pregnancy, pregnant women are allowed to eat almost anything they want to. But, as the pregnancy progresses, some foods are prohibited for pregnant women because these contain ingredients which can be harmful to the baby such as caffeine in coffee and in other drinks, alcohol and beverages with alcohol content, as well as cigarette smoking because it may cause mental problems to the baby.

Aside from eating healthy foods, pregnancy weight gain can also be achieved by performing a list of exercise regularly to keep the muscles fit and firm.

Pentingnya Air Untuk Kesehatan Tubuh

Tubuh manusia senantiasa membutuhkan air karena komposisi tubuh kita memang sebagian besar terdiri dari air. Enampuluh persen kebutuhan cairan tubuh dating dari mengkonsumsi air minum.
Air membantu mengatur suhu tubuh dan juga berperan sebagai alat transportasi untuk oksigen, nutrisi, hormone, dan sisa metabolisme. Dalam system pencernaan, air membantu penyerapan nutrisi, seperti vitamin dan mineral.

Minum banyak air, jauhkan penyakit

  • Jika kita minum cukup air, tubuh kita akn bekerja dengan stabil sehingga membantu kita terhindar dari beberpa jenis penyakit.
  • Bantu metabolisme tubuh kita dengan meminum air 8 gelas sehari. Jika Anda berolahraga, minum lebih banyak lagi.
  • Minumlah, walaupun sedang tidak haus.

Do You Care With Your Health and Family

Orang bijak mengatakan bahwa "Mencegah datangnya penyakit jauh lebih murah daripada menyembuhkan/mengobati penyakit". Keadaan di alam juga menunjukkan bahwa apapun yang ada di bumi ini akan larut dengan Air tak terkecuali penyebab penyakit. Tubuh yang sehat akan menumbuhkan jiwa yang sehat & semangat kerja yang tinggi sehingga menghasilkan produktivitas yang maksimal.

Banyak macam-macam air yang kita ketahui seperti air kotor ,air bersih layak minum, dan air murni plus. Air bersih kelihatan bening blom tentu sehat, tapi air sehat sudah tentu air murni yang mengandung oksigen tinggi, mineral an organik rendah dan air tersebut telah diaktifkan dengan sistem MReT (Moleculer Resonance e-magnetic Technology) dengan gelombang sinar alpa.

Air yang kita minum sehari-hari tentu sudah tercemar, ada air tanah atau air PAM, sedangankan air PAM sendiri dari sungai yang dijernihkan dan dibunuh bibit penyakitnya, tapi yang tidak hilang adalah radikal bebas seperti zat besi, clorin, magnesium,dll yg larut dalam air. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan alat eletrolisa, TDS Meter, pH meter, dll. Lambat laun tanpa kita sadari menjadi penyebab timbulnya macam2 penyakit seperti kanker,tumor, diabetis, batu ginjal, liver,radang,dll.

Oleh karena itu kita perlu menjaga kesehatan kita dari ancaman penyakit tersebut dengan Air terapi OXY yang telah terbukti khasiatnya tanpa kandungan zat apapun (air murni plus) , mengandung oksigen tinggi dan telah diaktifkan air tersebut dgn sistem MReT menjadi ikatan sempurna yg mudah diabsorbsi serta kandungan mineral an organik rendah. Sedangkan mineral an-organik tdk diperlukan oleh tubuh kita melainkan mineral organik yg terdapat pada sayur, buah dan daging.

Memang kesehatan itu mahal harganya dibanding yg lain. Marilah kita jaga kesehatn kita sekarang juga.

August 17, 2008

Pea Cress, Overcomes Hair To moult

Besides stres, alteration of hormone balance, wrong in treatment of hair, kerontokan of hair can also because you are lacking of nutrition.

So, if cause moulted it is hair shaped because of lacking of pasokan nutrient, hence it is better you tries dines pea cress with Asian saus following. According to some nutritionists, pea ( also other legums type), kampong chicken flesh, fish, and bulk is including source of low protein of a real lipid required to take care of hair health.

For 4 portion

Making time : 20 minutes


200 g kampong chicken chest flesh, braises, dice cut 1 cm

150 g congelation pea

150 g canned red bean, leak

150 g lettuce, out at the elbow


2 sdm olive oil or vegetable oil

2 sdm sesame oil

2 sdm fish ketchup

2 fruit of red capsicum run dry, box is harsh

2 garlic fang, chops up is harsh

1 cm ginger, chops up is harsh

1 sdm sand sugar

Way of making:

Saus: Vegetable oil mix, sesame oil, fish ketchup, red capsicum run dry, garlic, ginger, and sand sugar. Scrambled finite sugar dissolves.

Arranges chicken flesh, pea, red bean, and lettuce in saucer saji.

Take bath with its(the saus. Scrambled plane. Presents soon.


Pea can be changed with other legums type, for example green peanut, bean RRC, white bean ( garbanzo). Result of his(its is his(its delicious same.

If using drought bean ( red bean, bean hijau,kacang RRC), be better if soaked formerly during 2 hour(clock or more, then braised until soft to return its(the freshness. If using canned bean ( red bean, garbanzo), may directly be applied.


Food source of vitamin B ( especially B2) very good to take care of hair shaped health and prevents hair to moult. For example, egg yolk, almond, cheese, green leafy vegetable.

Beauty booster: consumption regularly supplement or food source of vitamin F, vitellarium and betakaroten, vitamin E, selenium, sinc, and sulphur to increase beauty [of] hair at the same time beauty of your skin.

To prevent kerontokan rambuk, better avoid formerly usage of electrical hair desiccant, hair painting, usage of hair roll, also hairspray is containing chemicals that is enough firm.

Limits consumption of food containing high lipid and beverage is having caffeine. Avoids also high food of sugar.

Multiplies drinking white water ( minimum one day 8 glass). Benefit from this water is can increase circulation of finite blood and nutrition to hair root.

Saturated Lipid Bothered Sexual Activity

Lipid in food dined able to assist body menyimpan vitamin to which can be permeated lipid. Absorbent vitamins of the lipid for example vitellarium, D, E and K is a real vitamin required that sex organ can function.

According To DR MORTON WALKER in book Sexual Nutrition ( Nutrition of Sexual), with 9000 calories per gram, lipid is source of concentration of big body energy.

Following all the things about lipid. Animal lipid, including in it milk, butter, cheese, bacon, and saus oyster is saturate lipid. Source of vegetation lipid of saturate for example coconut oil and cocconut sawit. Saturated oil consisted of hydrogen atom making it is solid in room temperature.

Healthier unsaturated fat to be dined. When dined, unsaturated fat tends to can lessen level of cholesterol in blood. This lipid there is at bean, bulk, corn, olive, and fish. Fish is the only animal containing many unsaturated fats.

Hydrogenation lipid is strenghtened in artifisial with hydrogen which can increase cholesterol in blood. This process can lessen number of essential fatty acids. Food containing hydrogenation lipid is margarine, most of bean jam, and food fast food.

Sexual difficulty, tightly related other degenerative obesity and situation with food factor, including dining too much food containing lipid. Eats frying, especially fried with method deep-fat fried ( fried with oil which many, for example French fries) hardly endangers gonad.

Height temperature applied when cooking it can change lipid chemistry structure and creates poison which cannot be eaten and can bother formation of sex hormone. To lessen number of lipids, suggested limits x'self to eat frying, flesh grilled above charcoal ( pan fried or grilled), hot dog, avocado, doughnut, beloved cakes, and potato chips because its(the high saturate lipid content.

Result a survey in The National Research Council notes most of Americans Serikat to get 40 % daily calorie from lipid as result of style of life having potency increases alteration of sexual. In third world nations, sexuality problem and reproduction of unidentified approximant. Because, pattern eats its(the resident is mostly is consisted of fruits, vegetable, and bean and grain.

For example at resident Vilcabamba, nation inhabiting high continent of Pegunungan Andes in Ekuador. longevity Vilcabamba People and enjoys life of sex is more active, there even exist reaching centenary age. Has finite chlid the numbers one dozen is ordinary something over there. This thing is caused [by] them a few consuming food containing saturate lipid.

Most of nutrition expert believes that two lipid cochlears actually has fullfilled daily requirement minimized body. Combination between grains, legume, legums or bulk meagrely animal protein ( milk product, chicken flesh, or egg) can increase sexual nutrition

Nutritional Value At Duck Egg

As component of food, egg of course has some excesses. Egg contains all nutrients required by body, the taste is delicious, easy to be digested, generates taste fresh and strong at body and changeable become assorted of food product.

In duck egg especially, more protein there is at part of egg yolk, 17 %, while his(its white part 11 %. Egg protein consisted of ovalbumin ( protein) and ovavitelin ( egg yolk). Egg protein contains all essential amino acids required by body to live healthy.

At one particular research by using attempt mouse, known that egg has protein usefulness value ( net protein utilization) 100 %, compares to chicken flesh ( 80%) and milk ( 75%). Means number of and its(the amino acid compositions is very proportional and complete, so that almost all part of his(its growth applicable to displacement and also of damage cells.

Most all lipids in as of item duck egg there is at part of its(the yellows, reachs 35 %, while in his(its white part there is no at all. Lipid at egg consisted of triglyceride ( neutral lipid), fosfolipida ( generally is lecitin), and cholesterol.

Function of triglyceride and fosfolipida for body is as energy source, one lipid grams yields 9 energy kilocalorie. Lipid in egg is in the form of emulsion ( joints forces with water), causing becomes easier to be digested, either by baby, children, and also faction of elderly

Protection for Wajah Anda, part 1

To function carefully and remain to be interesting hence taking care of you skin from within and also external. Especially for face skin needs treatment extra because most sensitive compared to skin in other part.

For treatment from within there are some step is earning you to do. First is well-balanced Diet because all nutrients from mineral, finite E vitamin of zinc hardly required by skin.

Water is medium to transport and throws away matters rest of metabolism. In consequence is suggested drinks white water at least 8 glass perhari. consumption of Aqueous many fresh food like fruitses also very useful to take care of humidity of skin at the same time launchs defecation process and small. Pattern pass regular hardly supports skin health.

All nutrients required to optimal of health also is needed to takes care of fullness of form of skin. Matters gizi is Vitamin A which sometime is conceived of “ skin vitamin” there is in poultry product, fish and cod, carrot, vegetable is having leaf stripper green, melon, mango, and papaw. Vitamin B-kompleks assists circulation of blood in skin, makes skin is more elastically also assists and improve;repairs body cells. Vitamin C functions to make at the same time maintains collagen. This content gives strength and flexing at all of structure supported by it.

So ascorbic acid needed to to takes care of boisterous of skin. All vegetable types and fruits many contains ascorbic acid more than anything else if it is eaten raw ( fresh). Vitamin E improve;repairs circulation and prevents oxidation of dangerous lipid by increasing number of oxygens to network and body cells. Also stands in transportation, absorbtion and storage of vitellarium in body. Vitamin E there is in vegetable oil like olive oil and sunflower oil also at legume and green vegetables. Some mineral types also stands in looking after skin health.

Doesn't forget athletics. Activity physical of like run, by foot and swim plays important role to take care of skin health. Athletics stimulates circulation, improve;repairs nutrition of cell, assists lessens stres and makes fresh body

6 Best Nutrition for Ms. Pregnancy

For pregnant mother in consuming food which must be paid attention is vitamin and mineral because necessary for x'self health and embryo. Nutrition required during inter alia pregnancy:

Protein, very big of its(the role in producing blood cells.

Carbohydrate, required for everyday body energy.

Calcium, in pregnancy, important calcium to assist growth the newborn.

Ferrum, vitally in assisting blood cells production process, mainly to prevent incidence [of] anaemia.

Acid folik, based on some findings of the expert of health, pregnancy woman which lacking of big folik acid of its(the risk experiencing miscarriage and or damage at embryo.

Lipid, for pregnancy woman, monstrous lipid of its(the benefit for body energy reserve, that off and on body losts to fatigue. Conectiquecom)


Along increase of content age, hence requirement of gizi pregnancy mother will increase, especially after entering pregnancy of second trimester. Because at that moment, growth of embryo takes place fast - especially development of brain and formation of nerve — and requires asupan gizi which optimal.

Nutrition required is:

Carbohydrate and lipid as source of energy matter to yield obtainable calorie from cereals, corms.

Protein as source of obtainable constructor matter from flesh, fish, egg and legume.

Mineral as obtainable regulator matter from fruits and vegetable - vegetable.

complex B Vitamin good for taking care of nervous system, muscle and heart to function normally. Can be met at cereals, seed - bijian, legume, green vegetables, yeast, egg and milk product.

Vitamin D good for growth and forming of your baby bone. Its(the source there is at fish liver oil, egg yolk and milk.

Vitamin E good for forming of healthy red blood cell. Eats bulk institute especially grist, legume, vegetable oil and green vegetables.

Folid acid good for development of nervous system and corpuscle, many there is to vegetables is having colour dark green like spinach, flower kol and brocolli. At fruits, folid acid there is in citrus, banana, carrot and tomato. Requirement of folid acid during pregnancy is 800 mcg per day, especially by first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Insuffiency of folid acid can bother brain forming, until inviable at formation of central nerve and also embryo brain.

Ferrum required by pregnancy mother to be protected from anaemia, many there is at green vegetableses ( like spinach, kangkung, cassava leaf, papaw leaf), fleshy and liver.

Calcium, needed to growth of bone and embryo tooth, and protects pregnant mother from osteoporosis Jika requirement of pregnancy mother calcium is not fullfilled, hence lacking of calcium will be taken away from mother bone. Source of other calcium is green vegetables and legume. Now best calcium obtained from milk and its(the processing result. Milk also contains many vitamins, like vitellarium, D, B2, B3, and vitamin C. ( conectiquecom)

That Nerve Remain To Be hale

Main key to take care of function of nerve remain to be good until stripper is sufficiency of asupan gizi, vitamin, and mineral passed food. That you nerve always functioning maximum, accustoms:

Eats with healthy menu, complete, and having immeasurable. Eats not merely fully filled of stomach, but must nutritious. Body organ will not function carefully if(when body lacking of gizi, for example easy to forget even still young.

Select;chooses food capable to paralyse free radical at the same time cleans vein wall, so that blood flow to fluent brain of turnpike basin. The food inter alia: Rich food of antioxidant matter. Antioxidant matter a lot of there is in vegetable is having leaf green ( spinach, green mustard, cassava leaf, papaw leaf, leaf katuk, etc), corm or fruit of having colour oranye/kuning ( carrot, parsnip jalar merah/kuning, papaw, citrus, mango, etc), and rose colored fruit ( watermelon, stroberi).

Rich food of vitamin B complex. This vitamin especially B1, B6 and B12 is raw material to produce asetilkolin, that is neurotransmitter is standing in function of considering. Vitamin B many there is in grains ( brown rice, grist), vegetable is having leaf green, and legume ( green peanut, red bean, soybean, etc). Egg, yeast, green peanut, soybean and result of its(the processing ( tempe, knew, soy milk) also rich kanakotin.

Source of correct protein. To sharpen memory and health of nerve as a whole, select;chooses rich food-stuff of protein but low lipid. Its(the example soy and result of its(the processing ( tempe, knew, soy milk), low milk of lipid, and legume, except peanut. Complex carbohydrate.

Acidulous complex carbohydrate of tryptophan amino. Tryptophan works stimulates produce of serotonin so that mind can be concentration, even medium many problems. Complex carbohydrate which many containing tryptophan is rice, mi, pasta, vegetable, and fruit.

Fatty acid omega-3 and omega-6. Fatty acid omega-3 and omega-6 is unsaturated fatty acid. This fatty acid can prevent damage of brain cell. Acidulous many food of this lipid is soybean and result of its(the processing ( knew, tempe, and milk), and sea fish in ( sardine, harring, mackerel, salmon).

Consumes supplement of vitamin neurotropika, if required, then, having athletic regularly. Last, always thinks and does positive activity that brain remain to be active. ( yz, Source: KCM)

5 Best Food For Your Skin

Our body, including skin, requires health food, like healthy lipid, correct protein, fruits, and vegetable. This is five healthiest food types for your skin:

1. Almon.

Consumption fistful [of] almon one day can increase vitamin rate E, primal antioxidant for skin health, also damps dry skin. Besides also protects skin from ageing, inflammation, even skin cancer.

2. Green tea.

Three green teacup;teapots one day can contribute enough antioxidants for your body, so that can fight against premature ageing and inflammation. Skin cancer risk also would be far decreased.”

3. Brocolli.

Rich vitellarium would, C, and K. Vitamin A can lessen produce of oil, ascorbic acid is strong antioxidant, and vitamin K can prevent incidence [of] lebam in skin. So, eats this wonderfood.

4. Fish.

Its(the example salmon and rich cod fatty acid omega-3 would. Is important diasup because body we cannot produce it. This fatty acid will look after skin, damps and prevents irritation, even can improve;repair skin from chronic disease like dermatitis atopik and rosacea. The fishs also contains vitamin D which good to protecting skin from sunshine sting. For distaste of fish can change it with flaxseed, hazelnuts, canary bean.

5. Sunflower oil.

Contains fatty acid omega-6 like important linoleic acid to prevent dry skin and bes angry. Also vital for prostaglandin forming, hormone taking care of functioning body cells well. To get healthy skin, tries consumption salmon brocolli plus, then sprinkled meagrely sunflower oil.

Five Super Foods for Beautiful And healthy Skin

You possibly expends most of salary for expensive serum and cream promising skin beauty. But believes, expensive product of that will not many assisting without supported health food making friends with skin. Of course, your skin will pluck very big benefit with correct nutrsi, including making healthy lipid, protein that is enough, vegetable mayur and fruits. But there are five proven and uppermost food types long time back can make faster skin and shines from within. Is just that? Yuk we are cheque:


Fatty fish like salmon, tilapia, and cod very rich with omega fatty acid 3. And this news which you must pay attention to, because body we cannot produce omega fatty acid 3. By adding this essential fatty acid into food, hence your skin will compliment because awaking its(the dampness and do not irritation easy to. There [are] scientific evidence of omega fatty acid benefit 3 in strengthening skin, especially for they suffering from chronic like rosacea and atopic dermatitis. Besides, a number of fishs ( cod and salmon) rich with vitamin D important for bone. If You do not consume fish because a because, tries consumes this latter egg fortification with omega fatty acid 3 and from source of flora like walnuts and hazelnuts. For which vegetarian fully, may be necessary adds supplement of daily D vitamin.

Green tea

This kava easy to be found dimana-mana with price which is overvalued not. You can drink it is routine every day because rich kava of antioxidant which good for skin health. Drinks at least three green teacup;teapots per day to fight x'self ageing and inflammation of skin. A number of studies affirms that antioxidant in green tea even can lessen risk anker skin. So, begone soda and starts beverage making friends with skin.


Rich of vitellarium, C, and K, this vegetable type of course rich super vegetable of benefit. Vitamin A reduces produce of oil, ascorbic acid is antioxidant ampuh and vitamin K assists prevents contusion.

Sunflower seed oil

Possibly omega fatty acid benefit 3 have been many known, but omega fatty acid 6 like linoleic acid which there is in sunflower seed oil also necessary for skin health. As does omega fatty acid 3, omega fatty acid 6 also prevents dryness of skin and inflammation, also important for prostaglandin forming, hormone maintaining all body cells to work carefully.


Almond may not be forgotten for meningkatkana supan vitamin E in body, also important antioxidant for skin health. Study affirms that consuming vitamin E in oral air mechanism can increase dampness rate of the vitamin on the surface of skin. Good news of tending to just for who has dry skin.

Vegetable Benefit and Fruit Of For Health

Vegetable and fruits is source of food containing healthy and complete gizi. Vegetable is having colour green is rich source of carotene ( provitamin A). Increasingly its(the green colour stripper, hence more and more its(the carotene content.

Carotene beta content at vegetable assists slows down premature ageing process to prevent neoplastic disease risk, increases function of lung and reduces komplikasi related to diabetes. Bottle green vegetable between it is kangkung, cassava leaf, leaf katuk, leaf papaya, genjer and leaf kelor.

In vegetable and fruit of also there is vitamin working as antioxidant. Antioxidant in vegetable and fruit of works by the way of banding then breaks free radical and can protect body from oxydative reaction yielding poison.

Avocado, apple, blimbing, jambu, citrus, mango, rich papaw vitamin would A. while sprout or toge is source of vitamin E. fruits in general rich would various mineral types, between of potassium ( K), calcium ( Calcium), Sodium ( Sodium), and ferrum ( Fe). Rich fruits of calcium is fruit of salak, chicoo, lime, strawberry, jackfruit, nutmeg and srikaya.

It is really so much vegetables benefit and fruits for body health. For that is, it is not strange if all expert of health suggests to us to consume many vegetables and fruits to take care of condition of body.

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