August 17, 2008

5 Best Food For Your Skin

Our body, including skin, requires health food, like healthy lipid, correct protein, fruits, and vegetable. This is five healthiest food types for your skin:

1. Almon.

Consumption fistful [of] almon one day can increase vitamin rate E, primal antioxidant for skin health, also damps dry skin. Besides also protects skin from ageing, inflammation, even skin cancer.

2. Green tea.

Three green teacup;teapots one day can contribute enough antioxidants for your body, so that can fight against premature ageing and inflammation. Skin cancer risk also would be far decreased.”

3. Brocolli.

Rich vitellarium would, C, and K. Vitamin A can lessen produce of oil, ascorbic acid is strong antioxidant, and vitamin K can prevent incidence [of] lebam in skin. So, eats this wonderfood.

4. Fish.

Its(the example salmon and rich cod fatty acid omega-3 would. Is important diasup because body we cannot produce it. This fatty acid will look after skin, damps and prevents irritation, even can improve;repair skin from chronic disease like dermatitis atopik and rosacea. The fishs also contains vitamin D which good to protecting skin from sunshine sting. For distaste of fish can change it with flaxseed, hazelnuts, canary bean.

5. Sunflower oil.

Contains fatty acid omega-6 like important linoleic acid to prevent dry skin and bes angry. Also vital for prostaglandin forming, hormone taking care of functioning body cells well. To get healthy skin, tries consumption salmon brocolli plus, then sprinkled meagrely sunflower oil.

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