August 17, 2008

That Nerve Remain To Be hale

Main key to take care of function of nerve remain to be good until stripper is sufficiency of asupan gizi, vitamin, and mineral passed food. That you nerve always functioning maximum, accustoms:

Eats with healthy menu, complete, and having immeasurable. Eats not merely fully filled of stomach, but must nutritious. Body organ will not function carefully if(when body lacking of gizi, for example easy to forget even still young.

Select;chooses food capable to paralyse free radical at the same time cleans vein wall, so that blood flow to fluent brain of turnpike basin. The food inter alia: Rich food of antioxidant matter. Antioxidant matter a lot of there is in vegetable is having leaf green ( spinach, green mustard, cassava leaf, papaw leaf, leaf katuk, etc), corm or fruit of having colour oranye/kuning ( carrot, parsnip jalar merah/kuning, papaw, citrus, mango, etc), and rose colored fruit ( watermelon, stroberi).

Rich food of vitamin B complex. This vitamin especially B1, B6 and B12 is raw material to produce asetilkolin, that is neurotransmitter is standing in function of considering. Vitamin B many there is in grains ( brown rice, grist), vegetable is having leaf green, and legume ( green peanut, red bean, soybean, etc). Egg, yeast, green peanut, soybean and result of its(the processing ( tempe, knew, soy milk) also rich kanakotin.

Source of correct protein. To sharpen memory and health of nerve as a whole, select;chooses rich food-stuff of protein but low lipid. Its(the example soy and result of its(the processing ( tempe, knew, soy milk), low milk of lipid, and legume, except peanut. Complex carbohydrate.

Acidulous complex carbohydrate of tryptophan amino. Tryptophan works stimulates produce of serotonin so that mind can be concentration, even medium many problems. Complex carbohydrate which many containing tryptophan is rice, mi, pasta, vegetable, and fruit.

Fatty acid omega-3 and omega-6. Fatty acid omega-3 and omega-6 is unsaturated fatty acid. This fatty acid can prevent damage of brain cell. Acidulous many food of this lipid is soybean and result of its(the processing ( knew, tempe, and milk), and sea fish in ( sardine, harring, mackerel, salmon).

Consumes supplement of vitamin neurotropika, if required, then, having athletic regularly. Last, always thinks and does positive activity that brain remain to be active. ( yz, Source: KCM)

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