August 17, 2008

Pea Cress, Overcomes Hair To moult

Besides stres, alteration of hormone balance, wrong in treatment of hair, kerontokan of hair can also because you are lacking of nutrition.

So, if cause moulted it is hair shaped because of lacking of pasokan nutrient, hence it is better you tries dines pea cress with Asian saus following. According to some nutritionists, pea ( also other legums type), kampong chicken flesh, fish, and bulk is including source of low protein of a real lipid required to take care of hair health.

For 4 portion

Making time : 20 minutes


200 g kampong chicken chest flesh, braises, dice cut 1 cm

150 g congelation pea

150 g canned red bean, leak

150 g lettuce, out at the elbow


2 sdm olive oil or vegetable oil

2 sdm sesame oil

2 sdm fish ketchup

2 fruit of red capsicum run dry, box is harsh

2 garlic fang, chops up is harsh

1 cm ginger, chops up is harsh

1 sdm sand sugar

Way of making:

Saus: Vegetable oil mix, sesame oil, fish ketchup, red capsicum run dry, garlic, ginger, and sand sugar. Scrambled finite sugar dissolves.

Arranges chicken flesh, pea, red bean, and lettuce in saucer saji.

Take bath with its(the saus. Scrambled plane. Presents soon.


Pea can be changed with other legums type, for example green peanut, bean RRC, white bean ( garbanzo). Result of his(its is his(its delicious same.

If using drought bean ( red bean, bean hijau,kacang RRC), be better if soaked formerly during 2 hour(clock or more, then braised until soft to return its(the freshness. If using canned bean ( red bean, garbanzo), may directly be applied.


Food source of vitamin B ( especially B2) very good to take care of hair shaped health and prevents hair to moult. For example, egg yolk, almond, cheese, green leafy vegetable.

Beauty booster: consumption regularly supplement or food source of vitamin F, vitellarium and betakaroten, vitamin E, selenium, sinc, and sulphur to increase beauty [of] hair at the same time beauty of your skin.

To prevent kerontokan rambuk, better avoid formerly usage of electrical hair desiccant, hair painting, usage of hair roll, also hairspray is containing chemicals that is enough firm.

Limits consumption of food containing high lipid and beverage is having caffeine. Avoids also high food of sugar.

Multiplies drinking white water ( minimum one day 8 glass). Benefit from this water is can increase circulation of finite blood and nutrition to hair root.

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